Sunday, July 19, 2009

Ralph Fiennes

Ralph Fiennes
Originally uploaded by PD Wylde
I have my at home movie nights and I did my annual Ralph Fiennes double feature. The English Patient and The End of the Affair. The two films have many similarites and so do his characters. In both films he is a man obsessively in love with a married woman. In both films the women die. Both set with the WW2 as the backdrop. The English Patient though is a much much stronger movie. That is a whole blog entry unto itself. The English Patient Revisted 12 years later. I have questions about why it was billed as an independent film by Mirimax, but it really wasn't technically an independent film. That was written up by the film writers at the time but I fail to remember the details.
Ralph is actually photographed better in the End of the Affair. He luminescent eyes with an intense stare and beautiful skin. that why these two movies are part of my larger category of films call Women's porn. That is yet another post or maybe a whole thesis. At least a New Yorker type article.
Basically it is that these two RF films seem to actually take the woman's point of view into account--which I don't see a lot in many contemporary films. Esp, from a sexual point of view.I do know that in some of the historical films of the 1930-50s, the studios realized there was substantial regular- going female( paying) audience So they did have "women's films." And had actors who they knew would appeal to some or many women in the audience...

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