Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Phantasmagoric: English Language word or the week. Matt Bomer provides the pretty.

Sexual frustration. Creative frustration. Eating decadent chocolate produces some of the sensations one feels when they are (enjoying) making love. I have got to get my character out there. Her neurosis could start with a nighttime dream. However, I don't envision the screenplay starting out that way. Is it cliche or whatever to start out with a sex scene? Seems a cheap attempt at grabbing attention. It worked in Before the Devil Knows You are Dead." Or did it?

Isn't our English vocab. word of the week a beauty. In Steve Watson' book "Silver Factory." He describes Flaming Creatures, a major underground/experimental film of Jack Smith, indie film pioneer-- as "phantasmagoric."

Accompanied by the pretty of Matt Bomer

Main Entry: phan·tas·ma·go·ria
Pronunciation: \(ˌ)fan-ˌtaz-mə-ˈgȯr-ē-ə\
Function: noun
Etymology: French phantasmagorie, from phantasme phantasm (from Old French fantasme) + -agorie (perhaps from Greek agora assembly) — more at agora
Date: circa 1802
1 : an exhibition of optical effects and illusions
2 a : a constantly shifting complex succession of things seen or imagined b : a scene that constantly changes
3 : a bizarre or fantastic combination, collection, or assemblage
— phan·tas·ma·gor·ic \-ˈgȯr-ik, -ˈgär-\ or phan·tas·ma·gor·i·cal \-i-kəl\ adjective

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